The Need Is Critical
The Women’s Board of Wolfson Children’s Hospital is committed to raising $1.5 million for two new
Kids Kare Mobile ICU Units and other Wolfson Children’s Hospital programs.
Kids Kare Saved Blair’s Life.
Blair, born in November 2020, arrived during the thick of the Covid pandemic. His mother, Christina, had previously faced high-risk pregnancies due to a blood clotting disorder and gestational diabetes, but despite these challenges, Blair was a healthy baby. Due to her history, her doctors advised induction at 37 weeks.
The induction began with no issues, but later, the nurse became concerned with the monitor readings and administered terbutaline to slow down the labor. The situation worsened, and at 5 cm dilation, Christina requested an epidural due to the intense pain. As the nurses attempted to break her water, the baby’s condition deteriorated. The doctor ordered an amnioinfusion to relieve pressure, but there was no improvement.
Soon, the baby’s condition became dire.
Christina was rushed to the operating room and placed under anesthesia. Blair was born without a heartbeat and not breathing, requiring 13 minutes of CPR. He was immediately intubated, awaiting transport to Wolfson Children’s Hospital. Mom and baby only had a moment to meet before Blair was whisked away in a Wolfson Kids Kare helicopter.
In the neonatal intensive care unit, Blair was placed under constant monitoring for seizures. It took 48 days and gastrostomy tube (G-tube) surgery for Blair to go home. Five months later, Blair required a tracheostomy and spent 19 days in the pediatric intensive care unit.
Aside from his trach and G-tube, Blair also has HIE, cerebral palsy, and severe developmental delay.
Over time, Blair’s health has improved significantly. Affectionately known as “Bear.” he loves playing in the water, spending time with his big sister, and cartoons.
Did You Know?
Nearly 3,000 kids are transported to Wolfson Children’s Hospital each year by the Kids Kare Mobile ICU team.
Kids Kare Mobile ICUs are equipped with specialized and cutting-edge medical technology to provide the best care possible.
Wolfson Children’s Hospital is just one of a few hospitals in the US designated as a Level One Trauma Center.
Get Involved!
The Women’s Board has a variety of ways you can get involved. Whether you participate in Florida Forum or the First Coast Design Show, there’s a place for you!

Your Support Is Needed.
Please consider donating to support the work of Wolfson Children’s Hospital today.